École européenne de Strasbourg

Together – Ensemble – „Einer für alle – alle für einen“ – Musiktheater in drei Sprachen

For all the children in classes S1, S2 and S3 who have been involved during the school year in one of the three theatre groups, in the school orchestra or in the school choir, the performance of the play “The Little Musketeer”, on Friday May 26, 2023, was a highlight.

The play, performed in the languages of the three language sections for P5 children and then for parents, tells the story of young Gascogne d’Artagnan, who becomes the fourth musketeer. As if by magic, the three languages circulated among the children during the play. The musical interludes chosen by Lisa Fischer and Luc Haussmann, played and sung by the choir and orchestra, were not just an accompaniment, but an integral part of the play, like the song “Eye of the Tiger”, which gave a particular dynamic to the many battle scenes.

The overcoming of linguistic and subject boundaries, as well as the play’s philosophy, made the afternoon a thoroughly European affair.