École européenne de Strasbourg



Update 11.01.2024

Dear parents,

Thank you for your interest in the European School Strasbourg.

The admission process to the European School will begin on 19/02/2024 as indicated in the calendar below:

calendrier des admissions 2024-2025

Before submitting your application, please take a look at the table of European study equivalences, which you can find by following this link:

Equivalences EURO

You can also consult the table of years of birth to determine the level for which you are applying.

Années de naissance 2024

No mid-year admissions are possible, except for category A students. In this case only, a direct contact by email (ecole.europeenne@ac-strasbourg.fr) is mandatory. Interviews with the directors are only possible after final admission.

There are no school fees to pay in our school which is a Local Public School of International Education (EPLEI), except for the possible canteen fees and the purchase of usual school supplies (Nursery and PrimarySecondary).

If you wish to enroll your child in school in Strasbourg:

  • Kindergarten or primary: contact the mairie (town hall) of your district


  • Secondary: contact a local Centre d’Information et d’orientation (service for educational orientation of the French ministry of education; for Strasbourg/Bas-Rhin


Admissions process at European School of Strasbourg


  • Dossier presented to the Board of Inspectors, Secondary, of the European Schools, 11-12 September, 2007
  • Approval of agreement by the Board of Governors of the European Schools at Helsinki, 15-16 April, 2008
  • Ordonnance N°2014-238 du 27 février 2014 relative à l’établissement public local d’enseignement dénommé « Ecole européenne de Strasbourg »,
  • Décret N° 85-924 du 30 août 1985 relatif aux établissements publics locaux d’enseignement
  • Décret N°2015-232 du 27 février 2015 du Ministre de l’Education Nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, portant organisation et fonctionnement de l’Ecole européenne de Strasbourg,
  • National Education Code specifying the particular status of the European School of Strasbourg and its status as an EPLEI (Établissement public local d’enseignement international):

”The European School of Strasbourg is a public school [un Établissement Public Local d’Enseignement] offering a specific type of education.”

Teaching takes place from the nursery cycle (beginning at 4 years of age) through the European Baccalaureate, organized in three language sections, German, English, and French.

Families should submit applications to the sections corresponding to the native or everyday language of their children. Admission may be made contingent upon passing tests of language level. For families belonging to category A only whose native language is not taught at the school, a choice may be made among any of the three vehicular languages.

Important details for applications for the secondary cycle

Given the language requirements for the various subjects and the requirements of the European Baccalaureate, candidates’ school records will be evaluated in admissions decisions. Tests of subject level may also be required in Language 1 and Language 2.

Applications for the seventh year of secondary studies will be considered only for pupils who have completed the sixth year of secondary schooling in a European School.

Criteria for admission

Automatically admitted by statute:

A. Children of personnel of European Community institutions and agencies, as specified by the first article of agreement governing the European Schools.

Subsequently, applications will be evaluated in the order below, within the limits of available places governed by applicable national law and European norms:

B1. Children of personnel of European institutions and organizations other than European Community institutions (at Strasbourg: the Council of Europe, the Pharmacopeia, the European Court of Human Rights, the Eurocorps, the European School).

B2. Children of personnel belonging to diplomatic and consular missions of the member states of the European Union, the nonmember European states, and of other states.

B3. Children of families residing in Strasbourg or the immediate vicinity, one or both of whose parents are employed in international organizations of research or higher education, or in international business.

B4. Children whose native language is other than or shared with French; this language must be one of the three vehicular languages taught at the European School of Strasbourg.

B5. Children whose parents plan to move within Europe or for whom the family desires an education in the spirit of the European Schools.

Important details in the event that the number of applications in a particular category (B1, B2, B3, B4, or B5) exceeds the number of places available; in this case admissions will be prioritized as follows:

  • children of families obliged by employment contract to move frequently, residing in the area in the short term, for whom subsequent schooling is envisaged outside the French system;
  • siblings of pupils already enrolled at the European School;
  • children arriving from another European School.

If we are unable to admit your child to the European School, there are other specialized options available in Strasbourg. Admission to these schools also follows specified timetables and criteria. You can find further information here:
